Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another Bad News…

I was shocked when my cousin called a moment ago informing that another bad news… oh no! what else bad news this time? My cousin told me that “the Bride Grandma’s passed away this afternoon” what!... we just saw her Grandma at the Bride wedding's yesterday, she’s still look strong and healthy in her 87 years old, it’s impossible she died of sickness. Nope, she died of accident on the way back to Tuaran from the Bride’s house in KB. I came to understand that a 4WD driven by her uncle, was heading towards Tuaran where he lost control of the vehicle and met self accident along the road. Again, it’s really a bad news, I feel very sorry, my condolence to the Bride for the lost of her Grandma and to all the family members, may her soul rest in peace…

I hope everything will be fine with the couple's wedding reception at Hyatt tomorrow…

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