Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My "Nina" (Mother - Morinsia Jinikol) and "Ama" (Father - Anthony Tuyok)

How time flies...without realising my Mother is going to retired soon...next year.

On Friday night, my Mother show me a letter from DBKK, dated 10th April 2008 and she only received it on Friday, 16th May 2008 itself. The letter is to notify her compulsory retirement at the age of 55 years old. As mentioned in the letter, my Mother will be 55 years old on 3rd November 2009, therefore her last working days with DBKK will be on 2nd November 2009. Related to that, my Mother are allow to finish off her leaves before 2nd November 2009 as she's having 69 leaves balance (Year 2008 = 49 days and Year 2009 = 20 days) as per 2nd November 2009 (Wah!!! so advance ohh...can go for round the world holidays...hehe)

My Sister and I jokes to my mother saying that she still look young lah, doesn't look 50's lah and still going strong...*wink* Then I said to my Mother, since it's a compulsory retirement but you still can continue working from home...guess what??? I suggest her to look after my kids (my three grengosz)
*big grin* and guess what's my Mother answer me??? she said "buli bah kalu kau..." (for you, sure possible)...Yessssss!!! given a green light...muuuaahhh!!!

However, I cannot hope so much also right...cause I know my Mother need some rest and this is the time for her to get rest.

But believe you me, once a retired persons start staying at home do nothing or in other words no exercise at all, they can get sick easily... Yes, it's true and it's happened to my Father as he'd decided to take an early retirement at his age of 50 years old and that was 9 years ago... During his retirement he totally do nothing at home nor exercise, he just stayed at home watching TV and go for "aramaii tii" (drinking alcohol). From there on...day by day he starts complaining one by one pain here, pain there. Brought him to the Doctor for several times, most of the time given almost the same medicines (for high blood, joint pain, antibiotic and vitamins) and given the same advises also (to do some exercise, not to drink alcohol and take the right foods), but my Father still continue his independent style at home...you know what I mean...*sigh*

After all the mumbled, bla...bla...bla... and advises from us especially from my Mother...Finally! my Father found a job nearby, just a walking distance from my parents house. My Father works for 3 months now and guess what???...I never hears him complaining pain here and there, what I always heard from him is he always wanted to works overtime... However, he still continue his "high blood" review and continue taking his medication...overall my Father is find...

May GOD bless my parents, may they will always be in good health, Amen.

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