Friday, August 1, 2008

Unforgettable Moment...

I suppose to share about this true story early this week, but I just can't grab a time though, by the way here you go...

Every Sunday my Aunt Elsie has a very important responsibility sending and fetch all the children (her daugther, 3 of my first cousins, my niece and nephew) to the church for Sunday school. Imagine her Kancil are packed with 6 of them (aged between 8 to 15 years old).

Anyway, what had happened last Sunday was, after Aunt Elsie drop them around the Church compound, suddenly a lady stopped her for a help, my Aunt was shocked but she just acted cool...

The lady asked my Aunt whether she can follow her car to Servay Hypermarket to buy something.

Then my Aunt told the lady that Servay is not open yet, it's only open at 10.00 am and it is only 8.00 am at that time.

Then the lady said "nevermind..., you just drop me anyway where I can buy the 'thing.' ".

While driving towards the Servay area, my Aunt got confused and wondering what is the main 'thing' that she wanted to buy. My Aunt saw the lady holding RM10.00... with her curiousity, my Aunt asked "what actually the 'thing' you wanted to buy real badly? (There's a big question mark inside her mind, the lady might be crazy, on drugs or anything bad that she never know...)

Then the lady told my Aunt, she said "Aunty I'm so sorry... I was actually forgotten to wear my bra, I only noticed after I took the holly water at the Church entrance, I'm straight away go off and saw you, as I can see, you're such a nice person... that's why I dare to stop you otherwise I won't simply stop people just like that..."

Phew! my Aunt feels a little bit better and immediately stop her car near to a van where her Kancil can hide and guess what?... since no shop selling bra open that early, what she does was... she took off her bra and gave it to the lady, the lady was 'ok' with that. The lady then put on the bra and my Aunt has to drove her back to the Church and it is just on time the prayer started. The lady appreciated my Aunt's help and wanted to pay, but my Aunt said "it's ok, no need to pay, just take the bra." (My Aunt told us, it's actually her old bra, but still ok lah...hehehe...)! it's so funny until we laugh like crazy when my Aunt told us about it... but when we think it back may be it tells something good might happen to my Aunt, you know, helping someone whose going to the Church, ermmm... well, might get blessing. So many good things we says about the incident and one of them is buying "4D" that Sunday, hahahahaaa... what a day...


Carolyn said...

haha this is so funny, kesian la yr aunty going back with bra-less :-)
am sure the lady kelam kabut going to church

RozzLeaRozie said...

ya bah Lyn, kami ketawa setengah mati juga masa c LC cerita, tapi kesian juga gia tu lady yg mo p church kan....heran juga dia lupa pakai bra...

Anonymous said...

what a story lah rozz ..funny, scary and cian pun ada sma tuu org kan ..

RozzLeaRozie said...

Hi Carol... heran bin ajaib juga kan, buli2 lupa pakai bra...